Customized Electrical Subject Matter Training
Electrical Safety
Hazard or site specific training, tailored to your needs
Customized Electrical Training to Suit Your Needs
We develop site-specific training upon request. Suitable for:
Plant Operators
Electrical Engineers
Electrical & Instrumentation Technologists
Electrical & Instrumentation Maintenance Staff
Managers & Planners
Plant Safety Personnel
General High Voltage Component Operational Training
Power Systems
Electrical Safety
Hazard Management
Power Transformers
Instrument Transformers
Switchgear and MCCs
Specific Relaying Courses
If a specific relay is to be covered the course can include:
Relay introduction - which will introduce the relay, its features and protective elements
Relay Communication - discuss the software and communication cables needed to communicate
Setting files, event recorder - how to load settings files and retrieve events
Relay testing overview - common maintenance tests performed
Appropriate Acceptance and Maintenance Testing of Electrical Equipment
Cable Stress Cone Construction
Basic Electrical Room Safety for Non-Electrical Workers
Transformer Oil Sampling
Power Cable Testing (AC, DC and VLF)
General Relaying:
Motor or Generator Protection
Feeder Protection
Synchronization Checks, Etc.
Our technical experts are here to help.